## Bitpod - instant cloud dev setup for Bitcoin Core

Spin up a Gitpod-based in-browser dev environment for Bitcoin Core using any PR or Git branch.

With VS Code, a running bitcoind regtest instance and a block explorer.

Supports bitcoin-qt using an in-browser VNC client.

Try it · Screenshot · Github · @shesek

### Using Bitpod

Open a URL with one of the following structures:

  - https://bitpod.live/PR-NUMBER           (under bitcoin/bitcoin)
  - https://bitpod.live/USER:BRANCH         (assumes REPO=bitcoin)
  - https://bitpod.live/USER/REPO:BRANCH
  - https://bitpod.live/USER/REPO/PR-NUMBER

For example:

  - https://bitpod.live/25353
  - https://bitpod.live/ariard:2022-04-full-rbf-setting

This will prepare a branch for your pod and redirect your browser to the Gitpod context URL.

The first build will take a few minutes. Subsequent pods will start faster using a pre-build.

If the PR/branch changes, reopen the bitpod.live url to update the pod.

#### QT GUI

To setup a GUI-enabled environment for bitcoin-qt, use https://qt.bitpod.live.

For example:

  - https://qt.bitpod.live/25353
  - https://qt.bitpod.live/bitcoin-core/gui/602

This enables X11 and a VNC server that can be accessed through a web client.

#### Query Options

  - check to run the unit tests (make check)
    For example: https://bitpod.live/25353?check

  - test to run the functional tests
    Can optionally specify which tests to run.
    For example: https://bitpod.live/25353?test=wallet_*

  - bitcoin-opt to set custom CLI arguments for bitcoind
    For example: https://bitpod.live/25353?bitcoin-opt=-debug=zmq

  - bitcoin-setup to run custom setup code (eval'd in bash)
    For example: https://bitpod.live/25353?bitcoin-setup=btc sendtoaddress $(btc getnewaddress) 1.5

  - compiler=clang|gcc (defaults to clang)
    For example: https://bitpod.live/25353?compiler=gcc

### About

Built by @shesek. Based on the Gitpod cloud dev environment platform (but not affiliated with them).

Source code available at https://github.com/shesek/bitpod and https://github.com/shesek/bitpod.live.